Regional Centers and Agencies for the Intellectually/Developmentally Disabled (I/DD) population:
- North Bay Regional Center covers Solano, Napa, and Sonoma counties. This agency provides clients with developmental disabilities a Service Coordinator who will purchases services on the client's behalf.
- Golden Gate Regional Center covers Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo counties.
- Regional Center of the East Bay covers Contra Costa and Alameda counties.
- Alta Regional Center covers Alpine, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba counties.
- Department of Developmental Services is the state agency that provides much of the funding for the regional centers. They also provide the guidelines on how services should be provided.
- Disability Rights California's mission is to advocate, educate, investigate and litigate to advance and protect the rights of Californians with disabilities.
- Matrix Parents Network was founded in 1983 to help parents of special needs children. Their aim is to empower families of children with special needs to successfully understand and access the systems that serve them.
Education resources:
- The US Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is dedicated to improving results for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities ages birth through 21 by providing leadership and financial support to assist states and local districts.
- Vallejo City Unified School District
- Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District
- Vacaville Unified School District
- Benicia Unified School District
- Dixon Unified School District
- Solano County Office of Education
- CA Department of Education
- SELPA- Special Education Local Plan Areas in California
Housing Authorities: these entities administer the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV), Project Based Vouchers, HCV Homeownership, and the Family Self Sufficiency Program (FSS). Housing Authorities' mission is to assist low-income families with safe, decent, and affordable housing opportunities as they strive to achieve self-sufficiency and improve the quality of their lives.
- Vallejo Housing Authority
- Benicia Housing Authority
- Fairfield Housing Authority
- Vacaville Housing Authority
- Solano County Housing Authority, which also administers the City of Dixon Housing Authority
- Solano County Health and Human Social Services The Department promotes cost-effective services, which safeguard the physical, emotional, and social well-being of the people of Solano County.
- Solano County Mental Health provides mental health services and supports in Solano County that are person-centered, safe, effective, efficient, timely and equitable.
- Solano County Wellness and Recovery Guide
- NAMI Solano County- Mental Health Awareness and Resources
- Medi-Cal- how to apply and general information
- Covered CA
- Medicare
Food and Shelter:
- Solano County IHSS program is designed to maintain low-income elderly, as well as disabled adults and children, safely in their own homes.
- Meals-On-Wheels delivers meals to home-bound seniors.
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Plan (SNAP) offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families and provides economic benefits to communities.
- Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) supplemental food assistance program
- FaithFoodFridays is a food bank in Vallejo.
- VacaFish is a food bank in Vacaville.
- Food Pantries is a website that helps you find food banks and subsidized groceries in your area.
- Mission Solano is a shelter in Fairfield.
- First 5 Solano County Children and families commission
- Solano Family and Children’s Services provides child care resources.
Other Community Resources:
- Independent Living Center of Solano County provides support, information, referrals, and training to maximize independence.
- Safequest is a rape center and provides support to those experiencing domestic violence.
- Catholic Charities Solano County provides family assistance with housing and tax preparation for Vallejo residents. They also have food programs.
- United Way of California provides assistance with emergency housing, employment and has a direct link to emergency preparedness from Red Cross.
- Article of Interest: Caring for the Elderly in the Community This article has many useful tips and suggestions that can be used for anyone with special needs who lives in the community.
- DART is operated by Fairfield-Suisun Transit SolTrans.
- Solano Mobility
- Solano Transportation Authority
Resource telephone numbers
- Police - Fire - Emergency 911
- Abandoned/problem vehicles 707-648-4682
- Animal Control 707-645-7906
- Area Agency on Aging 707-643-1797
- Crime Prevention - VPD
- Graffiti Removal Hotline 707-648-4397
- In-Home Support Services (IHSS) 707-784-8259
- Lawyer in the Library 707-553-5568
- MEDICARE 1-800-633-4227
- MEDICARE TTY users 1-877-486-2048
- NARFE Service Office 707-562-3179
- PG&E 1-800-743-5000
- Elder Abuse issues - dispatch will direct you to the appropriate substation. VPD 707-648-5293
- Senior Legal Hotline 1-800-222-1753
- Social Security Administration 1-800-772-1213
- Solano County Health & Social Services-Information & Referral Center 1-800-400-6001
- Solano County Older & Disabled Adult Services 707-784-8233
- Stars Center - Activity Center for Adults with Alzheimer's or Dementia - Call to Register 707-556-8680
- State Council North Bay 707-648-4073
- Taxi Service
- Vallejo City Cab 707-643-333
- Vallejo Yellow Cab 707-642-4421
- Vallejo Runabout 707-649-1999
- Vallejo Garbage Service 707-552-3110
- Vallejo Housing Authority Section 8 707-648-4507
- Vallejo Police Department 707-648-4321
- Vallejo Police Department - Anonymous Crime Tips 707-644-4873 (24-Hr Recorder)
- Vallejo Sanitation - Sewer & Storm Drain Problems 707-644-8949